Filing Status
Overview of a company's filing status
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Overview of a company's filing status
Last updated
The Filing Status screen offers a comprehensive view of the company's compliance with tax and social insurance regulations. It helps users identify any outstanding tax debts, understand the enforcement history related to invoices, and assess the company's adherence to social insurance payment requirements.
Overdue Tax Debt: The Overdue Tax Debt panel displays the company's history of overdue tax payments. It includes details such as the amount owed, the due date, and the related tax department.
Refer to Appendix for an extensive overview of provinces with recorded cases of overdue tax debt.
Invoice Enforcement History: The Invoice Enforcement History panel presents records of enforcement actions taken related to invoices. It includes information such as the publication date, the amount associated with the enforcement, and the tax department involved. This panel helps users understand the history of enforcement actions taken against the company and provides transparency regarding any past issues with invoice compliance.
Overdue Social Insurance: The Overdue Social Insurance panel highlights the company's history of overdue social insurance payments. This panel enables users to assess the company's compliance with social insurance obligations and identifies any overdue payments.