Peer Analysis
Compare a company with its peers for in-depth analysis and benchmarking
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Compare a company with its peers for in-depth analysis and benchmarking
Last updated
Gain insights and make data-driven decisions by comparing a company with its peers. With a customizable peer list, comprehensive information panels, and criterion-based comparison, you can perform thorough analyses across various dimensions of performance.
Building the Peer List:
To conduct a peer analysis, you start by adding companies to the peer list. There are two ways to do this.
Option 1: you can use the search bar to find specific companies you wish to compare.
Option 2: you can click on the "Recommendation List" hyperlink to access a curated list of recommended companies. This list is categorized based on companies in your existing portfolio, companies by revenue, and companies by years of operation. Simply select the desired companies and click "Add to peer list" to start comparing.
Performance Evaluation:
Once you have compiled your peer list, the Peer Analysis feature provides a range of information panels for an in-depth comparison.
Each panel corresponds to a specific criterion, such as Ownership & Group, Financial Statements, Financial Analysis, and Score. These panels display the data for the original company being analyzed alongside the selected peer companies you have added to the list.
Each information panel focuses on a particular criterion, allowing you to assess and compare relevant data points. For example, the Ownership & Group panel provides insights into the ownership structure and group affiliations of the original company and its peer companies.
Save the Peer List
Once you have completed your peer analysis and are satisfied with the selected companies, you can save the peer list by clicking on the "Save this list" button. Upon clicking, a popup will appear, providing you with the option to save the list to an existing portfolio or create a new portfolio.
To save the peer list to an existing portfolio, you can select from the displayed list in the popup. Alternatively, you can use the search bar to find a specific portfolio if you have a large number of portfolios. Simply select the desired one, then click "Apply" to save the peer list and associate it with that portfolio.
If you prefer to create a new portfolio specifically for the peer list, please click on the hyperlink "Create new portfolio". Insert a name for the new portfolio in the provided field and click "OK" to create it. The peer list will be automatically associated with the newly created portfolio.