Filtered Companies
Filter a list of companies from all of their portfolios based on specific conditions
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Filter a list of companies from all of their portfolios based on specific conditions
Last updated
By utilizing the Filtered Companies tab, you can effectively narrow down the list of companies based on specific conditions and gain valuable insights from a more targeted dataset.
Here's a step-by-step guide on how to utilize this feature effectively:
Accessing the Filtered Companies Tab: Go to the Library section and click on the tab "Filtered Companies:
If you need to export the displayed companies for further analysis or reporting, you can click the "Export" button. This will generate an Excel file containing all the relevant information.
Setting Filter Criteria:
Click on the Filter button to access the Filter Settings screen. This will allow you to define the criteria for filtering the list of companies.
In the Detail section of the Filter Settings screen, you can choose the criteria for filtering your company list. Start by selecting the portfolio you want to analyze, and you can also exclude certain specific companies from the filter. Additionally, you have the option to filter companies based on various criteria such as:
Score Level: Filter companies based on their score level. You can select between Credit Risk Score and Performance Score.
Province: Filter companies based on their location.
Industry: Filter companies belonging to specific industries.
Business Size by Revenue: Filter companies based on their revenue range.
Years of Operation: Filter companies based on the number of years they have been in operation.
Applying the Filter:
After setting the desired filter criteria, you can click the "Apply" button to view the list of companies that meet your specified conditions. The Filtered Companies tab will display the filtered list based on the selected criteria.
Saving Filter Settings:
If you want to keep the filter settings for future use, you can click on the "Set as Default" button. This will save the current filter settings as the default filter for future sessions.
Click on the button "View Portfolio Insight" to access the Portfolio Insights feature .
Shortcuts: These are configured to simplify the following actions. You can choose one or multiple companies and click on the icon to copy them to the desired portfolios.
As you select different criteria, they will be displayed in the summary section, giving you an overview of the applied filters. If you want to remove any selected criteria, simply click on the icon. To remove all settings at once, click on the "Clear All" button.