Dynamic Reports

This feature is only available for Premium users.

You can conveniently access this powerful tool in two ways:

Option 1: Navigate to the Tools tab situated in the header of the platform. From there, select "Dynamic Reports" from the dropdown menu to launch the tool.

Figure 1: Platform header

Option 2: Alternatively, while utilizing the Company Analysis or Portfolio Insights features, simply locate and click on the prominently displayed "Create Dynamic Report" button on the respective screens.

Figure 2: Company Analysis header
Figure 3: Portfolio Insights header

Steps to execute:

  1. Select the screen from which you want to create the report, such as Company Analysis or Portfolio Insights.

  • To create a report from Company Analysis, select a company type and use the search bar to add a specific company.

  • To create a report from Portfolio Insights, use the search bar and select the desired portfolio you want to view.

You need to download the company's FiinGate Factsheet to create its Dynamic Reports.

Figure 4: Select from Company Analysis
Figure 5: Select from Portfolio
  1. Using the search bar to find desired panels. Clickicon to add them to the report.

Note: You can expand or collapse all existing data blocks by clicking icon.

Figure 6: Customize Report
  1. Preview the report: Click on icon to have a quick preview of the information each panel contains.

Figure 7: Preview panel Company Overview


  • To remove a single data block: hover over it and click the "x" icon.

  • To remove all data blocks: use the "Remove all (C) panels" or "Remove all (P) panels" button.

  • To revert to the default settings, click "Reset".

Figure 8: Reset
  1. Customize the chosen data block by clicking on it in the Report Preview section. Here, you can modify the panel settings and add a note for each panel if needed. You can divide the report into sections by adding chapter headers.

Figure 9: Select panel Credit Score Trend by Portfolio

Note: How to set up FS

Figure 10: Set up FS

To tailor the presentation of financial statements (FS) in your dynamic report, follow these steps:

  • Click on the hyperlink labeled "Here." A popup window will appear. Here you can:

    • Select the desired source and type for the FS. These settings will remain consistent for a period of five years.

    • Choose the audit status and method for each year.

    • Check the data availability section to ensure that the FS is available based on your chosen settings.

    • Additionally, you have the option to select an alternative currency and unit to view the FS.

  • If you want to revert back to our recommended settings, simply click on the "Reset Default Filters" button.

Figure 11: Popup Setting Financial Statements
  1. Preview the report before exporting it to make any necessary adjustments. You can save these settings as a template for future use.

Figure 12: All Buttons


  • Change the name of the template or panel by clicking the pen icon

    Figure 11: Rename
  • Click "Reset" to revert to the default settings

  • Click on "Saved Template" when you want to access and make adjustments to the settings of a previously saved template.

Last updated